I work with many people who are associated with some fantastic accomplishments. They would be considered successful by almost any standard imaginable. When I meet new people or begin work with new clients, I am often asked for the “recipe” for success. They want the success formula – so to speak.
Consultants love formulas or equations. We also like shapes, charts and graphs, but we think formulas make us look smart (in the “king of the nerds- Mr. Wizard- way”). Below is my current best thinking on the success equation:
Talent + Training x Passion = Success
Now let me break it down for you:
Talent is innate ability. You are born with it. For example: Some people are naturally competitive. Others may be naturally good at seeing patterns in complexity. Still others may be gifted in breaking complex topics down in a brief conversation so that their colleagues can also understand them.
Everyone has natural talent in some area. You can tell when you are performing a task or activity that is using your innate talent because the task seems easy. It feels effortless and the actual steps involved in the task energize and invigorate you.
I use training to describe the many different learning experiences available to all of us. School, work experience and adversity all offer us the opportunity to learn and grow. When you add Talent to Training, you have a powerful combination.
Talent and Training are the engine that can propel us toward success but passion is the high-octane fuel that hurls us forward and sustains our drive over time. An abundance of passion can help get us through the difficult times during our success journey. It is an accelerant and a catalyst.
We often hear athletes say; “I just wanted it more than he did”. They are describing the difference in passion between them and their rival.
Notice that Passion is a multiplier. Passion helps increase Talent and Training exponentially. It enhances what Talent and Training bring to the equation. I have seen individuals with limited Talent and Training succeed by applying whatever they had in these areas with great Passion.
In the future I will post some stories that help me illustrate the success equation.
Please share any experiences that you may have, so that others may benefit from your knowledge.
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