Your blog is not the place to complain about your job.
Check out this article in Newsday about the downside of venting online. It’s never a good idea to slam your current employer in public – you never know who is listening or reading. Thanks to Steve Rubel for the link. He is quoted in the article.
If you are really unhappy at work I suggest you do three things:
- Deprive your employer of your skills, knowledge and experience by finding a new job. Undoubtedly, you are so good that the company will be affected by your loss.
- Vent about work only in private and only to people you can trust. Spouses are great. Members of the clergy are good too. Therapists are best. Never, ever, vent to anyone in the office – and never online or in the press (if you want to keep working until you find something else).
- Work twice as hard as you normally would. That’s right. You read correctly. When you hate your job or your boss, everyone can tell. Even if you think you are the master actor, people will still know that you are miserable. That’s why you need to work twice as hard – so that you can leave on your own terms. Don’t get fired for lack of effort. You should have more self-respect than that.
The best revenge is living well. Get back at your boss by getting a better job and not by saying nasty things.