Would you let someone buy your dream?
Think about that for a minute. Think about the thing that you want the most – let’s say it is a beautiful new Jaguar. (If this isn’t your dream replace the Jag with something you really want but may appear out of your reach right now).
A Jaguar is a really fast automobile and you will be the envy of all of your friends. If you give up on the dream of obtaining that item I will give you $1,000 right now. You get the $1,000 but you can never think about that car again. I will talk to all the Jaguar dealers in the world and they will know that they are never to sell you a car.
To make sure you keep up your end of the deal we are going to implant a chip in your right hand. Every time you think about a Jaguar you will receive an electric shock. As the frequency of your Jaguar thoughts increase, so will the voltage. Would you agree to that deal?
If buying a Jaguar was something you set in your mind as a goal you would never agree to that transaction. That goal gives you something to strive for. It gives you hope. It is your dream.
Here is the interesting thing: We make those kinds of agreements with others everyday. Every time we talk about a great idea with someone and they tell us that it will never happen - we have allowed that person to take away our dream. They didn’t even pay for it. They stole it!
You can never let this happen. Don't listen to anyone who tells you you can't make your dream a reality. This includes friends, relatives and espically co-workers.
If you can dream it you can achieve it.